The Pipeliners Club of Atlanta, 2025 Scholarship Qualification Criteria
The information provided is to be used by the Pipeliners Club of Atlanta Scholarship Committee for the sole purpose of evaluating candidates and making recommendations to the Board of Directors for scholarship awards.
1. The Candidate must be enrolled in an accredited School, College or University and classified as a second, third, fourth or fifth year student, in good standing, for the upcoming fall semester. Freshman and Graduate students are not eligible. Applicants are eligible for full scholarships only if enrolled and attending twelve (12) or more credit hours per semester. An accredited School is defined as an Institution whose credit hours are recognized by a College or University as transferable towards earning a degree.
2. The Candidate must be an immediate relative of a current member of the Pipeliners Club in good standing. Immediate relative shall mean spouse, child, grandchild, stepchild or grand-stepchild. The sponsoring member must have a minimum of two consecutive years dues-paid membership and must have a record of attending four meetings during the calendar year preceding the award. A membership year runs from January 1st through December 31st annually, unless directed otherwise by the Board of Directors. A sponsor should begin in September signing the Record of Attendance Book for a high school senior who will graduate in the spring semester. The Sponsored student would then be eligible to apply during his or her freshman year for a scholarship for his or her sophomore year. The attendance roll book is circulated each month during the meetings and the sponsor’s signature is the sole verification of meeting attendance. (Also, participation in the annual fundraising golf tournament is heavily encouraged.)
3. The Scholarship Award is a fixed amount determined by a meeting of the Board of Directors. Failure to complete a two-semester enrollment may, at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, warrant a pro-rata refund from the recipient for that part of the two twelve (12) hour semester(s) not completed.
4. Candidates must apply each year for consideration. Candidates are eligible their second, third, fourth and fifth scholastic year.
5. The completed application with a COPY OF APPLICANT’S LATEST TRANSCRIPT ATTACHED shall be sent as a pdf or equivalent file via email to the contact information with the email show below. Additional information will be distributed at the monthly meeting regarding the application form and mailing deadlines.
Kinder Morgan
Attn: Greg Dempsey
1000 Windward Concourse, Ste 450
Alpharetta, GA 30005
6. The candidate shall be available for an interview in person or by telephone with the Scholarship Committee in July of the award year.
7. The successful Candidate(s) shall be announced at the September Pipeliners Club Meeting.
8. All information provided herein will be held as strictly confidential by the Scholarship Committee.
9. The Candidate specifically authorizes the Pipeliners Club Scholarship Committee to substantiate any of the data provided herein.
10. The bylaws for the club sponsored scholarships are available here.